Ingredients 101: Coffee Seed Oil For Natural Hair
Coffee is a well know beverage that many of us drink everyday and can't live without. But did you know you can also use it for your natural hair? No, not the drink itself, but the oil pressed from its seeds. We include Coffee Seed oil in our Dominican Forbidden Oil because of all the wonderful benefits it provides for your hair. Want to learn more about this amazing oil? Keep reading below.
Benefits of Coffee Seed Oil for natural hair
Coffee Seed Oil is easily absorbed by your hair and scalp and has numerous benefits such as:
1. Promotes hair growth by increasing blood flow to the scalp and increasing scalp stimulation.
2. Prevents moisture loss.
3. Adds elasticity.
4. Mends and prevents split ends.
5. Leaves hair soft and smooth.
6. Has anti-inflammatory properties and contains enzymes that stimulate detoxification.
7. Contains omega-6 essential fatty acid responsible for healthy cell function.
8. Helps balance scalps PH.
9. Promotes the production of elastic and collagen.
10. Helps protect skin and scalp from damage and helps fight ageing.
How to use our Dominican Forbidden Oil
The Bomba Curls Dominican Forbidden Oil is an exceptional lightweight blend that can be used as a:
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